10-07-2024 10:56:19 ## Exception ## ## IndiamartIntegration.SaveLead ## ## Indiamart SaveLead Failure : { "CODE": 400, "STATUS": "FAILURE", "MESSAGE": "Maximum allowed difference between start_time and end_time is 7 days. Kindly change the start_time and end_time accordingly.", "TOTAL_RECORDS": 0, "RESPONSE": [] } 10-07-2024 10:56:35 ## Exception ## ## IndiamartIntegration.SaveLead ## ## Indiamart SaveLead Failure : { "CODE": 400, "STATUS": "FAILURE", "MESSAGE": "Maximum allowed difference between start_time and end_time is 7 days. Kindly change the start_time and end_time accordingly.", "TOTAL_RECORDS": 0, "RESPONSE": [] } 10-07-2024 10:57:05 ## Exception ## ## IndiamartIntegration.SaveLead ## ## Indiamart SaveLead Failure : { "CODE": 401, "STATUS": "FAILURE", "MESSAGE": "CRM key that you are using has expired. Kindly generate the new CRM key.", "TOTAL_RECORDS": 0, "RESPONSE": [] }