01-06-2024 09:51:02 ## Exception ## ## IndiamartIntegration.SaveLead ## ## Indiamart SaveLead Failure : { "CODE": 400, "STATUS": "FAILURE", "MESSAGE": "Date format used in API URL is incorrect. Ideally end_time should be greater than start_time and in proper\n\t\t\t\t\tformat.You can use the following date formats: 1) Date format (DD-MON-YYYY format) e.g. 25-JAN-2022. 2) Timestamp format\n\t\t\t\t\t(DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS) e.g. 25-01-2022 16:30:00. Kindly refer to CRM Integration doc for more details.", "TOTAL_RECORDS": 0, "RESPONSE": [] } 18-06-2024 15:03:00 ## Exception ## ## IndiamartIntegration.SaveLead ## ## Indiamart SaveLead Failure : { "CODE": 400, "STATUS": "FAILURE", "MESSAGE": "Date format used in API URL is incorrect. Ideally end_time should be greater than start_time and in proper\n\t\t\t\t\tformat.You can use the following date formats: 1) Date format (DD-MON-YYYY format) e.g. 25-JAN-2022. 2) Timestamp format\n\t\t\t\t\t(DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS) e.g. 25-01-2022 16:30:00. Kindly refer to CRM Integration doc for more details.", "TOTAL_RECORDS": 0, "RESPONSE": [] }